Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Because You Asked

There are people on a regular basis that stop me and ask, "exactly what does Disaster Assistance do? We are always glad to answer their questions. May I again talk with you about what we do and how we have been so successful in signing up so many people for bible study?
First of all, it is getting to be spring time and this can be a time of weather damage. We are ready to go. We go into an area, meet and work with the local Church of Christ, prepare and cook a good hot meal for often hundreds of people. This meal is served to them and they are told and know it is from the church of Christ. We are now able to give bible tracts out to the people where ever we are. We keep several on hand so that we can immediately give them out. We want them to know that the meal is made possible by caring Christians in the Churches of Christ. People often reply with such thanks as "Thank God for the Church of Christ".
We also help the local church unload supply trucks. When a supply truck pulls up to a congregation who has never been in a disaster before, everything can be overwhelming. We offer not only to help them unload the truck, but also show them how to store and distribute the supplies. Churches we have worked with are very pleased that we help them do this, because as I say the supply situation and how to properly get them out can be overwhelming.
The other effort in this evangelism work is to sign people up for a study of God's word. Believe me when you are there helping to supply them with food and other necessities, they know that these Christians really care. Actually,we have people that hear about our bible studies and come asking us to be signed up for a bible study. We have their names, address and telephone numbers and we work with the local church in setting up the bible studies. We have found that when members of the local church conduct the study or at least go with us on the study, students have a better connection with the local church and this helps them in there beginning days with the church.
Last summer during hurricane season, we set up over 500 bible studies for local churches.
Now a logical question, and I was asked this question today from a Christian in Florida, how do you get funds to do this? The only answer is from sacrificial Christians like you who are interested in helping people and have a special interest in evangelizing here at home. This is a great work. We don't have a paid staff, no paid advertising, etc. We are under the elders of the Alachua Church of Christ, 14505 N.W. 145 ave. Alachua, Fl. 32615.
If you would like to volunteer to help, we would love to hear from you. You can certainly email me. donhudsoncoc@gmail.com I would be honored to hear from you. I hope you will tell your local congregation about this work too.
If weather disaster strikes, you will be hearing from us, and we really mean this, if you can add this work to your prayer list, we would appreciate that too. Don

Friday, March 27, 2009

Flooding and Tornados in Louisiana

Don talked with the Church of Christ in Houma, LA today. They had has some flooding and now a second storm has just went thru the area below is one report. The church in Houma had inquired about us coming there and helping them after Gustav but we had just arrived in Lake Jackson so we couldn't go at that time. Don told them to call if thing got worse and we would be there.

A second night of storms in the South battered southern Louisiana, toppling power lines and trees, damaging homes, and injuring at least one person.

The National Weather Service received reports of at least two possible tornado touchdowns in Louisiana late Thursday and early Friday. In Terrebonne Parish, the American Red Cross opened a shelter at the Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center for those whose homes were threatened by flooding or were without power.

Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet declared a Parishwide State of Emergency early Friday morning. The Parish received more than eight inches of rainfall overnight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Storm/Flood Watch

Don Hudson (Disaster Assistance Spiritual coordinator) talked with the Fargo Church of Christ over the weekend. They thought that all of the sandbags they were filling and putting in place was going to help. The church there is not in the flood area. Don told them about Disaster Relief Nashville and also to let us know if they needed anything.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sojourners were great help working with me during Gustav and Ike last year.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Email Address disasterassistance@gmail.com

please code your server to accept emails from this address.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Email Server Problems

My email server is having some problems. If you are trying to email me and it is not going through or if I haven't replied back to you that is why. If you need to get a message to me you can send it to Don Hudson and he will get the information to me or you can call me at 407-739-4963. Sorry for this problem I will have it fixed as soon as possible.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Flooding in Ohio

Don Hudson and I have been in touch with our Ohio contacts and the report back is that the flooding at this time doesn't warrant a trip by Disaster Assistance CoC into those areas at the present time. We will continue to monitor the conditions.