Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tornado Update Prattville

Below is email from my contact at Hunter Hills CoC in Prattville. Above photos are of the semi from Disaster Relief Nashville being unloaded.

Hello Brother Mike—

It is a quiet day here in Prattville after three days of very tiring work involving food & supplies distribution, as well as putting up tarps where there are holes in roofs, putting fences around swimming pools that had previously been surrounded by privacy fences, seeing about people’s cars, etc. We took food from the Emergency Response truck from Nashville and pre-staged portions at three other distribution centers in town. Two of our elders helped work with all these details.

As it turns out, the area was not declared a disaster area, because 98% of the people had insurance. It seemed that just about everybody had a lot of friends, and the “war zones” were crawling with people for three days.

By today, I think people are using the rainy weather as an opportunity to rest a little, and, as with some of our own families, concentrate on paper chores. We are maintaining close contact with many, and the shipment from Nashville has made a huge difference for everybody. This was truly a blessing.

Quite a few church groups/religious organizations have also been involved, in addition to families and friends. I have been very impressed with how everybody has jumped in to help. I believe we will go forward much more quietly from this point. This will be that “quiet time” when people might be more inclined to talk about their feelings about what has happened. We pray that there will be a good opportunity to use this tornado as an instrument to bring people closer to their God.

Blessings to you, Mike.

Dave Cannon

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