Friday, October 24, 2008

Notes from Don

It was our privelge to speak at the West Fayetteville Church of Christ last night and to be able to tell them some of the results accomplished by the workers of "Disaster Assistance". Well over 12,000 meals served and over 500 bible studies set up. As a supporter of "DA" we wanted to personally bring them up to date. The elders expressed appreciation in learning first hand the results of their efforts.
This is the first year of operation for "DA" and those of us associated with it are appreciative and really over whelmed by the support so many of you and so many congregations have given us. With your continues support we will continue to reach out to the hurting and those that do not know Jesus thru this ave.

Another attitude that sometimes we hear expressed concerning church growth is, "they got to be doing something wrong to be growing that fast." This attitude will certainly not contribute to the growth of the congregation from where that remark is made. It has been my experience that when a congregation makes a real concerted effort for out reach, people respond, bible studies take place, people become christians and the church grows numerically. This should come as no surprise, didn't Jesus teach us to see the possibilities when he said, "look unto the fields they are white unto harvest". Now we never want to practice anything unscriptural nor do we want to encourage anything unscriptural, but a growth attitude might be, I want to see what they are doing that leads to their numerical growth. When I find out, if there is anything unscriptural, I don't want to do it, but if there is something a growing church is doing that is scriptural I want to see if I too can put it into practice. Now out reach takes work, it takes study, it takes prayer. It is my opinion that only seeing the faults of others is often an excuse for doing little. That's my opinion anyway. On the next lesson we are goingto discusss some church growth principles and attitudes. Don

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