Friday, October 10, 2008

Urgent Need For Funding

Today I was informed by Broadway Church of Christ that they have no more funds available to assist us in buying food used to cook meals here in Galveston. They are going to use there funds for members and to repair the church building. We served 816 meals today. These meals went to workers, families who are homeless and families who have no gas or electric. Many times each day we hear that if we weren't serving them a meal that they would not eat. Disaster Assistance will use funds sent in to us and with help from Lake Jackson, El Campo and Goodwood Church of Christ to continue feeding as long as we are needed or until we are no longer able to purchase food. Please help us if you can. Donation information is on the left.

1 comment:

Effie Baily said...

I spent 2 & 1/2 weeks in Galveston this summer while my brother has surgery at UTMB. I attended services at Broadway and was impressed with the many good works of the congregation. Their homeless ministry, prison ministry and hospital ministry was most encourging. I plan to speak to the Elders at Archdale Church of Christ, Charlotte, NC tomorrow about this great need. Hopefully, we as a congregation can help. I will continue to pray for the work there.
Effie Baily
Charlotte, NC