Saturday, January 31, 2009

Disaster Assistance Gustav/Ike Mission Recap

Thanks to you, the first "Disaster Assistance" mission was a tremendous success. This mission started Sept.5th with Hurricane Gustav in Baton Rouge, and ended Dec.9th on the Bolivar Peninsula with the results of Hurricane Ike. There were 39083 meals prepared and served. There were just over 500 people signed up for bible study. We helped unload and distribute 10 semi- truck loads of supplies such as food boxes, cleaning supplies, mattresses and appliances, furnished by "Churches of Christ Disaster Relief" of Nashville and other churches. We would like to especially thank the Churches of Christ at Goodwood, Lake Jackson, El Campo, Broadway, Cox Blvd, Whites Ferry Road and many of the Churches of Christ in the Houston area. not only for their financial support, but also for providing volunteers to help in serving and bible studies. Now we have singled out these churches, but truly churches from all over the country sacrificially donated and continued to donate the funds that were so necessary to accomplish this great mission. God was glorified, Christ was magnified and the local churches were edified.

Now for some more good news. Quite frankly, when we started this mission under the oversight of the elders of the Alachua Church of Christ. Our hope was that we would receive enough donations to at least help people close to home. Gainesville, Fl. Boy were we surprised!!! You made it possible for us to minister to people well over 800 miles away. Churches from all over the U.S. were so helpful, that now we can say we are prepared to go almost anywhere, anytime in the whole country to help in most disasters. Everywhere we go people see our "Orange Shirts" which tells them, "the Church of Christ is here helping." Thank you so much for making this possible.

As you may wish to continue supporting this mission, a special separate Sunday contribution, ear marked "Disaster Assistance", will enable us to be "ready to roll" at a moments notice. We found that this was an excellent way for each person to give if able and as they see fit.

Remember you and we together are "Combating Natural Disasters with Acts of God"

Donations should be mailed to Disaster Assistance, Alachua Church of Christ, 14505 NW 145 Ave,
Alachua FL 32615

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