Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years in Cambodia’09

On the week-end after Christmas we had the privilege of participating in seven baptisms. Four were on Saturday at Toul Trails and involved an 86 year old Lady. She was bent and hardly could walk, needing to be lifted in and out of the four foot diameter well casing used as a baptistery. Such is the condition of most of the older women of Cambodia. There is a calcium deficiency in the Cambodian diet that causes a weakening and distortion of the bones as people, especially women, grow older. There is no dairy industry in Cambodia and I believe milking cows would help solve that problem. Maybe someday, in connection with some of the orphans that seem to be accumulating at the Lord’s various congregations, we might be able to begin such an industry.

Semoun, a Cambodian youth we have been taking care of and training at our Kampoung Cham facility, traveled with us and visited his mother who lives behind the Buddhist Temple at Toul Trails. He has three sisters there and brought each a new change of clothes he purchased with money he was rewarded for memorizing a large number of Bible verses. He won the $10 in a memorization contest held on Christmas Day at Kampoung Cham. Semoun has no father that he remembers and his mother is struggling caring for his three sisters. During the time there he visited with a Buddhist monk who asked about the possibilities of coming and studying with us at Kampoung Cham. We will see how that develops.

On Sunday we visited Chan-un-Date where three were baptized after services. An eighty year old lady was among those baptized. She too had to be lifted in and out of the baptistery. Both of the older ladies mentioned in this report, were baptized with family members. That is good as it normally indicates a family decision to embrace the Christian Faith.

One of the four officials required to give permission for the Medical Mission scheduled to come to Kampong Cham on the 20th of January has refused to sign. Pauley says he may want a bribe, but we don’t do that. So we are making arrangements to take the mission with its free medical services and medicine to Koh Dach. The facility and access is better at Kampoung Cham, but at least Koh Dach has restroom facilities for the doctors. Pray for that official to repent. He is hurting the poor of his area and causing us some inconvience. Pray God to continue to bless us with the increase and thank him for the blessings he has given.

In Christ's service.......... Bill Singleton

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