Monday, May 4, 2009

Update from Dave Neal

Tuesday April 21

Doug and I left Tuesday morning about 7:00am and drove to mid-Alabama before stopping for the night. It was a lot of windshield time for us to talk about almost anything you can imagine. It was an easy drive, but yes long. As we entered northern Alabama Chris called us about Rosemary’s request to be baptized. This was great news. Doug and I called Larry’s cell following the baptism and congratulated her.


We talked with Daphne on Tuesday and decided to be at the Church building by 9:30 to help with food distribution though their pantry. What a program they have in place as an outreach. Lord willing, you will hear much more about this when we return home. We drove to the food bank just north of Bayou La Batre and purchased food for distribution at the Church building. Wednesday through Saturday, we distributed approximately 500 pounds of food to the community. While people were waiting for their food to be packed, we asked them about having Bible studies.

How can I begin to express the emotion and appreciation for what the Bayou La Batre Church is doing? Bottom line, the Lord must be so pleased with their dedication and commitment to the lost. I am humbled beyond expression. This small group of faithful followers of our Lord, work where extreme poverty abounds. Yet, we see the attitude of Jesus in these faithful Christians that compels me to do more. Hemley Road church of Christ is truly that City on a Hill, that Light to the world that cannot be hidden. Let me give you an example of a new convert since I was here last year. I know only a little of her past but she answers the question daily of “What Would Jesus Do?” She has had a difficult life to say the least. Last summer she came in contact with this Church who led her to Jesus. She works at the building it seems every day, calling people to invite them to church, cleaning the building, driving the church bus, contacting people who need food, whatever the need, this lady is there. I gave her a break from driving the church bus this evening. She went with me to find all the homes of probably 35 kids and all the while I was driving, she was calling people inviting them to Church.

With Daphne’s help, we visited (4) families late in the afternoon inviting them to Church and set up two Bible studies for Thursday.

Wednesday night Church was challenging because there were more non-Christian than Christians (what a “great” opportunity). I have so much admiration for the leadership of this congregation. Surrounded in Bayou La Batre by unemployment, hunger, and human suffering brings me to my knees, yet they are certainly focused on the objective of Heaven and leading people to Jesus rather than the obstacles. I have a Bible study scheduled for Thursday morning.

Just when we thought the day was over, Daphne called and asked me to turn-on the heater for the baptistery because she is expecting a baptism on Thursday.


Pictures are worth a thousand words: two new sisters in Christ. Both studies were set-up by the congregation (thank you), not Doug or I. These were the first of five baptisms this week.

Praise God and the power of the scriptures (Rom 1:16) for these two new sisters. You also need to know the effort made by the congregation here to set up the studies. Church members here are regularly calling people to come to Church or setting up a Bible study. When other Christians work like this, the actual study of God’s Word becomes much easier.

This evening, we had an adult Bible study with 22 people. Church, this was a Thursday evening after we already had the regular Wednesday evening study. Daphne and others (I helped a little too-made ice tea and opened cans of food-big help ha ha) cooked dinner before the study with the understanding that a Bible study would follow. People were very eager to study. That’s when the sister (above right) asked to be baptized.

Well, today is gone and we now look with anticipation for more Bible studies on Friday followed at 6:00pm by a meal and devo with the teens. Doug and I miss you very much, but are also praising God for this opportunity: our spirits are full tonight. Hopefully you can see why we continue to be excited about the work at Bayou La Batre! By-the-way, the Church here is planning TWO vacation Bible schools THIS year. More tomorrow.


Something I didn’t mention in Thursday’s brief is that one of the above ladies baptized was lead to Jesus by her daughter. Needless to say, it was a great day.

Friday night was teen night: food and devo. I am not as young as I used to be, but don’t tell anyone. Leslie, does this bring back memories?

We went to the food bank earlier today to get more food for distribution at the church building. What a great outreach program. I hope we can duplicate it at home. Some of the BLB members went door knocking to invite people to our Super Saturday. With the invitation to Super Saturday came a pastry. The picture below is our load of pastries purchased for this purpose.

We had one Bible study today. She is coming back for more study tomorrow with her husband: expect both to be baptized. A third study is also scheduled for tomorrow. That’s all for today.


Friday afternoon, Billy, Daphne, Doug, and I made a schedule for today. This is what Billy and Daphne usually do every Saturday over breakfast. This one went something like this: check-on this person who is in need of help, arrange a ride to church for a sister, deliver a tool trailer to a group of volunteers working on a house, schedule people to pass out flyers for the Super Saturday event this evening (Gospel sing and meal for those attending- an outreach program), schedule Bible studies (There are 3 people scheduled), and cook/clean for the sing this evening. These Christians have a zeal for teaching the lost. It’s 6:35am as I write this update. Doug and I will be leaving soon to meet Billy and Daphne for breakfast to confirm the schedule for today. We are excited about what is planned for the day, but we look forward to tomorrow worship and starting our trip home.

At 10:00am I started a Bible that one of the members scheduled. The lady had been encouraged by one of the members to study and had the desire to learn. Within a few hours of study, she was ready to be baptized: it was my privilege as pictured below.

Two more Bible studies were held-one a continuation from the night before. The study was with a husband and wife (Doug taught the study) who decided to be baptized during the Sunday worship.

The sing was well attended. We had a great fellowship.

Praise God! Another great day of service.


I taught the Bible study and Doug had the sermon. Worship was great accented by the baptism of the husband and wife pictured below.

We started our journey back to Ohio following the AM service. One regret, we learned Sunday about another request for a Bible study. My God forgive us that we couldn’t get to it. But here is what we have planned. I talked with Don Hudson about a follow-up trip to BLB. Don and Rosemary along with Mike Baungatner are planning to go to BLB next week to follow-up with additional Bible studies with the new Christians and hopefully conduct new Bible studies. Follow-up for the new converts is critical and the focus of the next week. I know that the congregation in BLB does follow-up, but it is small and they are limited in time and people with all the work they do. As I said earlier, this congregation is truly a Light to the community. It is a blessing to us to know them and learn from them.

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